Destiny Natalya Hamilton Suicide : Destiny Hamilton Bahamas Obituary : Bahamian-American Influencer Destiny Hamilton Found Dead In Abaco

Friends and family are sad. Destiny Hamilton, a 27-year-old Bahamian-American influencer who goes by the handle @natalyaandthecity, was found dead in Abaco. She is from the Grand Bahamas. 

Destiny Natalya Hamilton's uncle thinks about her life and what she left behind. Friends and family of the victims say they want the cops to look into it thoroughly because they don't think their loved one killed herself.

Around 9 a.m. on Thursday, May 9, 2024, the Marsh Harbor Police Station got word of a suicide on Guanna Cay, Abaco. As a result, police started to look into it. At 10 a.m. on the same day, police arrived at a two-story building with a yellow and white trim. 

They were told to go to the second floor and use a bathroom on the northeast corner. A brown-skinned woman in a black dress was lying in a pool of blood in the shower stall of that bathroom. It said that she had a black and silver cooking knife in her right hand. 

When police checked out the body, they saw that she had a deep cut on her wrist. Her husband said that between 6 and 8 p.m. on May 8, 2024, he had a fight with his wife Destiny Hamilton, born October 1, 1996, who lives in New York but is a Bahamian citizen and from whom he has been separated for about a year. 

It was about how they were dating and how she found condoms in one of his bags. He said he left and spent the night by himself at a house in Bakers Bay because she was violent sometimes and attacked him while holding a knife to his throat. He ran away to protect himself. 

Around 8:30 a.m. on March 9, 2024, he went back to his house after a woman named Melannie, who was dating Destiny in college, asked how they were doing. He told her he wasn't with Destiny. He looked around the house for her. 

He used a crowbar to get into the bathroom upstairs, though, because the door was locked when he checked it. His wife was lying face down in a pool of blood on the floor of the shower. He felt her and saw that she was cold. 

Then he called his friend Herbert Collins, who also takes care of houses, and he soon came to the house. Deatiny's friend who asked her to the Bahamas said that the two of them went to college together in Rome, Italy. 

She said that her friend (who has since died) got there yesterday, May 8, 2024. She said that everything was fine until around 7 p.m. on May 8, 2024, when Robert and Melannie got into a fight on the phone. During this fight, Destiny became angry and threw knives at Robert. 

After that, he left the house. After that, Destiny would come and go from her view. It was around 9pm when she last saw her. She texted Robert in the morning of March 9, 2024, because she thought they were together and everything was okay. 

Robert told her he wasn't with her but would check to see if she was home. She said that she found out that Robert had gone to the house and found her unconscious and bleeding in the shower. Investigations are still going on.

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