Iziah Flemon Missing : Search underway for teen missing from Far North Side

Iziah Flemon, a teenager from the Far North Side, has sparked a community-wide search effort following his mysterious disappearance. 

Born on April 10, 2005, Iziah was known for his bright smile and passion for basketball, where he excelled on the court as a promising young athlete. 

His family describes him as a loving son, caring brother, and loyal friend, deeply involved in both school and community activities.

Iziah attended Northside High School, where he was admired for his academic diligence and leadership qualities. 

He was actively engaged in student council and volunteered at local youth centers, demonstrating a commitment to helping others. 

His teachers remember him as a determined student with a contagious enthusiasm for learning.

On the evening of June 25, 2024, Iziah was last seen leaving a friend's house in the Far North Side neighborhood. 

Concern grew swiftly among family members and neighbors when he failed to return home that night. 

Authorities were immediately notified, and a comprehensive search operation was launched, involving local law enforcement, volunteers, and concerned citizens.

As the search continues, community members have rallied together, distributing flyers, organizing search parties, and sharing information on social media in a unified effort to locate Iziah and bring him safely back home. 

Candlelight vigils and prayer gatherings have been held, emphasizing the community's hope and solidarity during this trying time.

Iziah's family, including his parents, Marcus and Lisa Flemon, have expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support and urge anyone with information about Iziah's whereabouts to come forward. 

They remain steadfast in their belief that Iziah will be found, emphasizing his resilience and the deep bonds he shares with those who love him.

In the midst of uncertainty, the community remains united in their determination to bring Iziah home, holding onto hope and supporting one another as they await his safe return.

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