Thursday evening, a fatal collision occurred in the town of Nove Zamky, Slovakia, involving a Eurocity train traveling from Prague to Budapest and a bus.

On Thursday evening, a devastating collision occurred in the town of Nove Zamky, Slovakia, involving a Eurocity train traveling from Prague to Budapest and a local bus. 

The tragic accident has resulted in multiple fatalities and numerous injuries, casting a pall over the community and sparking an urgent response from emergency services.

The collision took place at a railway crossing known for its heavy traffic, as the Eurocity train was making its regular route from Prague to Budapest. 

The bus, filled with passengers, was attempting to cross the tracks when the high-speed train struck it. 

The impact was catastrophic, causing significant damage to both the train and the bus, and leading to a chaotic scene as rescuers rushed to assist the victims.

Eyewitnesses described the horrifying moment of impact, noting the loud crash and the immediate aftermath as the train derailed slightly and the bus was shattered.

The collision caused an immediate halt to the train service, with the wreckage strewn across the tracks, complicating rescue efforts. 

Local residents and passersby joined emergency personnel in providing first aid and comfort to the injured.

Authorities have confirmed several fatalities, including passengers from both the train and the bus. 

The exact number of casualties is still being determined, as efforts continue to identify the victims and inform their families. Numerous injured individuals have been transported to nearby hospitals, where they are receiving urgent medical care. 

The severity of injuries ranges from minor to critical, further straining local medical facilities.

Investigations into the cause of the accident are underway, with officials examining the circumstances surrounding the collision.

Factors such as potential mechanical failures, human error, and the operational status of the railway crossing signals are all being scrutinized to understand what led to this tragic event.

In the wake of the accident, local officials have expressed their condolences to the victims' families and have pledged to conduct a thorough investigation to prevent such incidents in the future. 

The community of Nove Zamky is in mourning, with plans for memorial services to honor those who lost their lives in this tragic accident.

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