Fr. Frank Sofie Passed Away : Fr. Frank Sofie Cause of Death : Obituary Released for Fr. Frank Sofie of Archdiocese of Mobile

Father Frank Sofie, a beloved priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile, has sadly passed away. His death has left a profound void within the community he served so faithfully. 

Father Sofie was known for his unwavering dedication to his faith and his congregation. Throughout his years of service, he touched countless lives with his compassion, wisdom, and spiritual guidance. 

His presence was a source of comfort and inspiration to many, making his loss deeply felt by all who knew him.

His passing has prompted an outpouring of grief and heartfelt tributes from parishioners, colleagues, and friends. Many have shared stories of his kindness, his ability to listen and counsel, and his tireless efforts to support and uplift those in need.

An official obituary has been released by the Archdiocese of Mobile, highlighting Father Sofie's remarkable journey and contributions. 

After completing his theological studies, he was ordained and began his ministry, serving in various parishes and roles within the archdiocese. 

His dedication to his vocation was evident in everything he did, from celebrating Mass and administering sacraments to providing pastoral care and community outreach.

Father Sofie's legacy is one of love, faith, and service. He will be remembered not only for his religious leadership but also for his genuine care for others and his commitment to fostering a sense of community and belonging. 

The Archdiocese of Mobile has announced that a memorial service will be held private  where the community can come together to honor his memory and celebrate his life.

In this time of mourning, the archdiocese extends its deepest condolences to Father Sofie's family, friends, and all those who were blessed to know him. 

His spirit will live on in the hearts of those he touched, and his contributions to the church and the wider community will not be forgotten.

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