Roy Lamb Passed Away Nicholasville KY : Roy Lamb Obituary : R. Lamb Trucking Company Owner Roy Lamb Cause of Death

Roy Lamb, a pillar of the Nicholasville, KY community and the proud owner of R. Lamb Trucking Company, passed away recently, leaving behind a legacy of hard work, generosity, and a deep love for his family. Born in 1950 in Nicholasville, Roy was the eldest son of John and Margaret Lamb. 

From a young age, Roy displayed a natural aptitude for mechanics and a passion for trucks, which would shape his future.

In 1975, Roy founded R. Lamb Trucking Company, a small operation that grew into a thriving business under his leadership.

Known for his meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, Roy's company became synonymous with reliability and efficiency in the transportation industry.

Beyond his professional achievements, Roy was a devoted husband to his wife of 45 years, Emily, and a loving father to his three children, Rebecca, James, and Matthew.

Family was Roy's greatest joy, and he cherished every moment spent with his grandchildren, whom he loved dearly.

Roy was also an active member of the Nicholasville community, known for his philanthropic efforts and willingness to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. 

He supported numerous local charities and youth sports programs, believing strongly in giving back to the community that had given him so much.

Roy's sudden passing has left a profound void in the lives of his family, friends, and the Nicholasville community. 

His legacy of hard work, integrity, and kindness will continue to inspire all who had the privilege of knowing him.

Roy is survived by his wife, Emily, his children, Rebecca (Tom), James (Laura), and Matthew (Sarah), his grandchildren, and his siblings. 

He will be deeply missed and fondly remembered by all who had the honor of crossing paths with him.

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